Dance Pointe Academy Terms and Conditions
Fees and Payments
Fees will be invoiced prior to each term and will cover one full term.
Fees should be received by the due date shown on the invoice.
Email contact details of customers must be updated in the Members Portal to ensure invoices and subsequent automated reminder notifications are sent.
Adequate automated notifications of termly fee invoices will be sent at 1) 7 days before due date, 2) on due date, 3) 3 days post due date.
A late payment surcharge of £4 will be incurred if an invoice is not paid after 7 days past the invoice due date.
If you do not receive an invoice, please advise the Director.
Refunds and Discounts
Refunds or discounts will not be given for classes missed by the student, unless explicitly arranged with the Director in writing by email.
Discounts on class fees are available if a student does more than 3 classes per week.
All fees are non-refundable.
If a student has a long-term illness or injury, fees may be refunded at the Director’s discretion. This does not include minor illness or holidays taken during the term.
Withdrawal / cancellation policy
Students wishing to discontinue their classes at the School must give 4 weeks notice in writing, otherwise 4 weeks fees will be charged.
There will be a £4 admin fee will be added to the next invoice for mid-term class changes.
Free trial session
We offer a 1-week free trial session.
If the student decides to join the class, they / parents or carers will be invited to register on the Members Portal and enrol in a class. If they wish to join the class, they will need to complete the registration form on the Members Portal and will enrol in the class of their choice.
An invoice will then be issued for the remaining term fees, minus the trial session.
Members portal
You will be expected to keep the members portal details up-to-date, including names of students, contact email address, emergency contact numbers, medical details of students, d.o.b. etc.
The portal has enabled Autopay to make it easier for you to pay fees by adding the credit / debit card details you would like to pay your termly fees with and update these in Payment Settings section on your portal. We prefer payments to be made on the portal. If you pay manually into the bank account. PLease be aware the system cannot automatically update this.
The system will then check when you have a pending invoice with an amount due and will and the secure card system will take payment from your saved card automatically 3 days prior to the invoice due date.
You have the ability to disable AutoPay at any time and just pay with credit / debit card when you receive you termly invoice.
You are responsible for making payment on time.
Classes and Attendance
On the rare occasion that a class is cancelled, it will be rescheduled, usually during the school holidays.
If this is not possible, any fees already paid for the scheduled class will be deducted from the following term’s invoice.
The School will not be held responsible for classes cancelled for circumstances beyond the School’s control.
If it is necessary to cancel a class due to adverse weather conditions / a force majeure, class fees will not be refunded but we will strive to reschedule a class later date.
Students MUST be on time to class, and be PICKED up on time.
Any child left unattended before and at the end of their class will be kept inside the building, but we may not be able to supervise them as we will be teaching other children.
Parents understand that if they drop their child off early and leave them in the waiting area or are late picking their child up, their child may not be fully supervised. The parent will take full responsibility for their child’s safety and wellbeing should anything happen to them before and after their class time has ended.

Dance Corrections
Dancing is a physical skill and to help and facilitate the Student’s learning, the teacher may physically guide a movement by touch.
This will always be done in a professional manner and the intention of the contact will be made clear.
Please contact the Director if you have any queries about this
Dance Uniform
We ask all students to wear the recommended uniform for each class.
The uniform ensures students look and feel confident in their surroundings.
You can find details of the uniform for all classes on the members pack.
Benefit of wearing the uniform in class
Hair should be tied away from the face so dancers can see instructors and each other at all times, and to ensure that a dancer’s movements are not restricted by unsecured hair.
Jewellery should be minimised for the safety of the dancers and those around them.
Dance attire should be fitted to the body so instructors can clearly see the dancer’s form and technique, making technical adjustments when necessary, as proper dance technique protects dancers from injury.
At DPA, when students come into the studio, they can leave behind the stress of the day and identify themselves as dancers.
An entire field of study is dedicated to the “psychology of the uniform” and how clothing impacts our perception of ourselves and the role we are in and helps dancers perform their best.
Dancers who dress alike see themselves as part of something larger. Watch your favourite sports teams – from uniform, to shoes, to warm-ups, their clothing is identical.
A simple, practical dress code creates a sense of belonging and community among dancers. They don’t preclude individual contributions; all dancers are still invited to be uniquely themselves.
A uniform dress code contributes to a setting in which each dancer takes joy in seeing everyone succeed together and feels connected to their fellow classmates.
The dress code reduces distractions and facilitates learning. When dressed uniformly dancers do not feel the need to adjust their clothing or compare their outfits to others in class.
Focus and discipline are enhanced, and dancers can move in unison more easily as they see everyone else is moving the same way.
Likewise, instructors can more easily identify when a correction needs to be made